Birdland BS

Baltimore's best sports podcast with a lot of BS opinion

Ain't The Beer Cold (E157)


This show was hard to get through! First it was #RavensFlock talk with rookies reporting, Covid updates, and the the NFL 100 List. Then O’s talk, followed by some Shel-N-Tell with Ryan, the Terps BSpert, and a hodge podge of stories in the Rundown.

But at the top of the Orioles segment we talked about the team announcing SUPER FAN Mo Gaba entering the Orioles Hall of Fame and sits with Wild Bill Hagy as the only 2 fans selected for the honor! As we began to talk about the team Mo loves, we got the word live on air. Mo Gaba had lost his battle. Man was this kid a fighter and fought the odds against cancer for 14 years!! He touched so many peoples hearts and lives at such a young age! It was hard for all of us to get through the rest of the show as that choked us all up.

This Orioles season should be dedicated to Mo and Birdland BS plans to do something to honor such a wonderful life that represents what we are all about!!

#F16HT #MoStrong